Minnesota Department of Health and Health Licensing Boards Employees
Local 920
Article I
The name of this organization shall be Minnesota Department of Health and Health Licensing Boards Employees Local Number 920 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO.
Article II
This local union shall be affiliated with Minnesota Council Number 5 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees; the Minnesota AFL-CIO; and the appropriate central body of the AFL-CIO.
Article III
The objectives of this local union shall be to carry out on a local basis the objectives of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.
Article IV
Membership and Dues
- All employees in State of Minnesota bargaining units 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7, at the Minnesota Department of Health and at health-related boards and commissions, are eligible for membership in this local union, subject to the requirements of the constitution of the International Union.
- Application for membership shall be made on a standard application form. Unless such form includes a valid authorization for payroll deduction of dues, the application shall be accompanied by the current month's dues.
- The bi-weekly membership dues of the local shall be equal to 135 percent of the individual hourly wage rate determined in October of each year. The minimum hourly rate shall not be less than the minimum rates required by the AFSCME Council 5 and AFSCME International constitutions. Each January, dues shall increase in an amount equal to the required minimum increase established by the International Constitution. All dues rate computations provided herein shall be rounded to the nearest whole cent.
- A member suspended under the above section may be reinstated upon payment of the current month’s dues. No reinstatement fee will be required.
Article V
- Regular meetings of this local shall be held once every month, at a time and place to be fixed by the membership or the local executive board unless otherwise determined by the executive board.
- Special meetings may be called by the local president, the local executive board, or by petition filed with the president and signed by 10% of the members of the local. Special meetings may also be called by the International President or his/her authorized representatives.
- For purposes of the regular meetings, a quorum shall be 5% of the current membership.
Article VI
Officers, Nominations, and Elections
- The officers of this local shall be a president, a vice-president, a recording secretary, a secretary-treasurer, and three executive board members, and these seven shall constitute the local union executive board. In addition, there shall be elected three members who shall serve as trustees. The trustees shall be elected to three-year terms of office, except that in the initial election, one shall be elected for a one-year term, one for a two-year term, and one for a three-year term. The chair officers, which include the president, vice-president, recording secretary, and secretary treasurer, shall be elected to two-year terms in odd-numbered years, beginning in 2017. All other officers shall be elected for a term of one year.
- Nominations shall be made at a regular or special meeting of the local. At least fifteen days' advance notice shall be given the membership prior to the nomination meeting. A nominating committee may be appointed or elected to make nominations, but whether or not such nominating committee is used, nominations shall be permitted from the floor at the nomination meeting. All regular elections shall be held in the month of December.
- To be eligible and running for office, elected delegate or as an appointee, requires that a member must be in good standing, as defined in Article IV, and off the new-hire probationary period; provided, however, that no retired member shall be a candidate for office.
- Officers shall be elected by secret ballot vote, and the balloting shall be conducted so as to afford to all members a reasonable opportunity to vote. At least fifteen days' advance notice shall be given the membership prior to the holding of the election.
- All matters concerning nominations and elections in this local union shall be subject to the provisions of Appendix D, entitled Elections Code, of the International Union Constitution.
- Vacancies in office shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by vote of the executive board.
- Every officer shall, upon assuming office, subscribe to the Obligation of an Officer contained in Appendix B of the International Union Constitution.
Article VII
Duties of Officers and Executive Board
- The president shall preside at all meetings of the local union and of the executive board. He/she shall be a member of all committees except election committees. He/she shall appoint all standing committees and all special committees of the local, subject to the approval of the executive board. He/she shall report periodically to the membership regarding the progress and standing of the local and regarding his/her official acts.
- The vice-president shall assist the president in the work of his/her office. In the absence of the president or in his/her inability to serve, the vice-president shall preside at all meetings and perform all duties otherwise performed by the president. He/she may with the approval of the local executive board, be authorized to act as co-signer of checks drawn on the local funds in place of either the president or the secretary-treasurer.
- The recording secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all membership meetings and of all executive board meetings. He/she shall carry on the official correspondence of the local, except as the executive board may direct otherwise. He/she shall perform such other duties as the executive board may require.
- The secretary-treasurer shall receive and receipt for all monies of the local union. He/she shall deposit all money so received in the name of the local union in a bank or banks selected by the executive board, and money so deposited shall be withdrawn only by check signed by the president and the secretary-treasurer. He/she shall prepare and sign checks for such purposes as are required by the constitution or are authorized by the membership or the executive board. He/she shall prepare and submit the monthly membership report to the International Union office and see that a check is drawn in payment of the local's per capita tax each month and sent to the International Secretary-Treasurer. He/she shall keep an accurate record of receipts and disbursements and shall, once each month, submit to the membership a monthly operating statement of the financial transactions of the local for the previous month. He/she shall act as custodian of all properties of the local union. He/she shall, at the expense of the local union and through the International Union, give a surety bond for an amount to be fixed by the executive board of the local union. He/she shall see that any financial reports required by the International Union Constitution to be submitted to the International Union are submitted in accordance with the International Union Constitution.
- The trustees shall make or cause to be made at least semi-annually an audit of the finances of the local, including the finances concerning any health and welfare, pension, insurance or other benefit programs covering members of such local, and shall report to the membership on the results of such audit.
- The executive board shall be the governing body of the local union except when meetings of the local union are in session. All matters affecting the policies, aims and means of accomplishing the purposes of the local not specifically provided for in this constitution or by action of the membership at a regular or special meeting shall be decided by the executive board. The board shall meet at the call of the president or of a majority of the members of the board. A report on all actions taken by the executive board shall be made to the membership at the next following meeting. A majority of the members of the executive board shall be required for a quorum.
Article VIII
Miscellaneous Provisions
- This local union shall at all times be subject to the provisions of the constitution of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.
- Except to the extent specified in this constitution, no officer of the local union shall have the power to act as agent for or otherwise bind the local union in any way whatsoever. No member or group of members or other person or persons shall have the power to act on behalf of or otherwise bind the local union except to the extent specifically authorized in writing by the president of the local union or by the executive board of the local union.
- The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern this local union in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this constitution and special rules of this local union or of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.
Article IX
This constitution may be amended, revised, or otherwise changed by a majority vote of the members voting on such proposed change and such change shall take effect only upon written approval of the International President. Proposed amendments to this constitution must be made at a regular or special meeting of the local union and read and voted on at a subsequent meeting of the local union, adequate and proper notice having been given to the membership prior to the date on which the vote is taken. A written copy of the proposed amendment shall be furnished to every eligible voter at the meeting at which the vote is taken.
Approved by:
Approval date: August 28, 2017
(Name Changed Effective: 5/1/2018)